Cryo Chambers
Cryo Therapy


The Cryo Cloud Cryotherapy Chamber is a fast and healthy process that accelerates the body’s natural recovery while improving the overall well-being. The Cryo Cloud exposes you to extremely cold temperatures (down to -130C) with the help of liquid nitrogen.

The thermal shock resorts your body to open its “internal pharmacy” and a wide range of life-supporting enzymes and hormones are produced into the blood circulation. Today cryotherapy is used not only by several top athletes, supermodels but anyone who wants to improve their health and wellness.


  • LED lights that light up the interior of the cabin
  • Automated lift that can take up to 240 kg
  • Recirculating fans that can save nitrogen usage
  • Magnetic doors for ease of opening and closing
  • Vortex of nitrogen for even distribution of nitrogen in the leg area
  • Recirculation of liquid nitrogen from shoulder to feet to save nitrogen usage.
  • Large temperature display for show case purposes
  • Drying function to allow little to no downtime in the treatment process.

The physical benefits of cryotherapy are:

  • Speed up recovery & aid performance
  • Aid pain & arthritis
  • Aid weight loss
  • Reduce stress & anxiety
  • Helps to tackle insomnia
  • Reduce inflammation & increase blood flow
  • Increase collagen production
  • Improve skin conditions

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